SEEDS Leadership
We discovered our limited beliefs and replaced them with empowering beliefs.

SEEDS Mastery
We will experience a deeper level of transformations and connections with ourselves.

About Mastery

The pre-requisite to attend SEEDS Mastery is SEEDS Leadership, you may think of it as SEEDS Leadership Level II.

“I am Power I am Love I am Leader”, remember Saturday night? or lifting your arms for about 25 minutes without even realizing it? You have faced your mirror and found the Power, Love, and Leader within you. Now, you will go beyond and above by going within, so deep that you know every cell, thought, and part of you that you will fully embrace and fall in love with you.

You have learned and practiced uncovering your limiting beliefs after SEEDS Leadership, such as noticing the triggers. upsets, fears, POV, resistance, patterns, and so on.  Among them, fear is the most common and it wears many faces. As you have learned fear is not our enemy, and there is no need to overcome or eliminate it. Teachings and tools on how to beat fear have been proven over and over again to be ineffective and cause one to live an inauthentic life.

At SEEDS Mastery, you are going to face your fear and embrace it. You will dive so deep that there is no need to overcome fear because there is nothing left to overcome.

From Self Leadership to Mastery

You will leave with a profound level of clarity as to who your authentic self is.

  • Embracing your fears to develop resilience, self-awareness, and confidence
  • Integrating your shadows to unlock your full potential and become more whole
  • Breaking through shame, guilt, and pain to heal old wounds and gain clarity and purpose
  • Explore beyond the traditional nurturer-motivator-empower triangle to discover new depths of self-discovery.
  • Cultivating self-love, self-acceptance, and self-compassion to build a strong foundation for growth
  • Embracing play and joy to tap into your natural creativity and approach life with a more lighthearted perspective
  • Recognizing and owning your greatness to step into your power and make a positive impact on the world
  • Stepping into your authentic self and personal sovereignty to live with greater purpose, fulfillment, and authenticity

Programs Details

  • Limited to 20 seats
  • 7-day all-inclusive in-person program (accommodations and meals)
  • 6 X 2-Hr group coaching sessions with Rain
  • Workbook and writing instruments provided
  • Transportation to the venue not provided
  • Venue: Fifty4Ferns – Janda Baik, Malaysia
  • Retail: MYR 19,800
  • SEEDS Price: MYR 14,500*
    (* SEEDS Leadership is a prerequisite)
“At Seeds Leadership, you have met with, learned about, and experienced the Universal Principles. Now, let’s dance with them.”

Founder of Origin of Wisdom™
Creator and Master Facilitator of Money SEEDS, SEEDS Leadership, SEEDS Mastery, and FDP