The pre-requisite to attend SEEDS Mastery is SEEDS Leadership, you may think of it as SEEDS Leadership Level II.
“I am Power I am Love I am Leader”, remember Saturday night? or lifting your arms for about 25 minutes without even realizing it? You have faced your mirror and found the Power, Love, and Leader within you. Now, you will go beyond and above by going within, so deep that you know every cell, thought, and part of you that you will fully embrace and fall in love with you.
You have learned and practiced uncovering your limiting beliefs after SEEDS Leadership, such as noticing the triggers. upsets, fears, POV, resistance, patterns, and so on. Among them, fear is the most common and it wears many faces. As you have learned fear is not our enemy, and there is no need to overcome or eliminate it. Teachings and tools on how to beat fear have been proven over and over again to be ineffective and cause one to live an inauthentic life.
At SEEDS Mastery, you are going to face your fear and embrace it. You will dive so deep that there is no need to overcome fear because there is nothing left to overcome.